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本剧继续通过荧幕呈现James Herriot创作的故事,观众将回到Darrowby,重新加入不拘一格、备受喜爱的Skeldale大家庭,以及1940年代生活在约克郡山谷的农场主、动物和乡亲们。
格雷斯 第四季
Filming is underway on series four of critically acclaimed ITV1 detective drama, Grace, starring John Simm as Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and based on the best selling novels from globally renowned author, Peter James.Set in Brighton, Grace also sees returning cast members Richie Campbell (Top Boy, Stephen) as DS Glenn Branson, Zoë Tapper (Liar) as Cleo Morey, Craig Parkinson (Line of Duty) as DS Norman Potting, Laura Elphinstone (Chernobyl) as DS Bella Moy, Brad Morrison (Dinosaur) as DC Nick Nicholl and Sam Hoare (The Capture) as ACC Cassian Pewe.This series will also feature renowned TV and theatre actor, Robert Glenister (Sherwood, Hustle).Commented John Simm:“I’m so pleased to be back on set, filming series four of Grace. Four of Peter James’ Roy Grace novels are being adapted for this series and Grace fans will be pleased to know the stories are as dark as ever with lots of twists and turns.”Commissioned by ITV’s Head of Drama, Polly Hill, and Drama Commissioner, Huw Kennair Jones, the new series comprises four feature length films (4 x 120 mins) based on Peter James’s novels. Huw Kennair Jones will oversee production from ITV’s perspective.Viewing figures for series three have so far averaged over 5.6m per episode, an increase on series two, with the first episode consolidating at 6.7m.Commented Huw Kennair Jones:“We're thrilled to be making another series of Grace. John and the team continue to bring Peter's brilliant characters and stories to life in such an exciting way. It's also great to be working with Tall Story and Vaudeville Productions again as we head back to Brighton for four brand new cases.”Executive Producer Patrick Schweitzer said:“I’m delighted we are getting to adapt another four of Peter’s wonderful books for ITV and it’s great to have the cast and crew back together filming in Brighton.”Author Peter James said:“As a writer, the chance to have such a phenomenal and collaborative cast and crew to bring my novels to life continues to b
热恋中的珍妮(Kelly Reilly 饰)与史帝夫(Michael Fassbender 饰)来到美丽的湖边,计划度过一个浪漫而温馨的周末。但是他们的周末被一群胡作非为、大声喧哗的少年给搅乱。一番口角冲突过后,夫妇俩的食物以及车钥匙不翼而飞。他们只得徒步前往镇上求助,却不知道,这恰恰是恶梦的开始……  本片荣获2009年《帝国》杂志奖最佳恐怖片奖、2009年葡萄牙奇幻国际电影节最佳导演奖、2009年伦敦影评电影金像奖英国年度青年演员奖(Thomas Turgoose)、2008年Sitges – Catalonian国际电影节评审团特别奖最佳影片。
在记录数十年前的电视广播录像带时,视频档案管理员詹姆斯(岑勇康 饰)发现了一个神秘且令人不安的广播信号入侵(BSI),视频中一个戴着面具的人行为异常诡异。这段影像引起了詹姆斯的兴趣,随着调查的推进,他发现这可能是一场十分危险的阴谋,并将其与包括他妻子汉娜在内的几名妇女的失踪联系起来……
巴特(大卫·安德斯 David Anders 饰)是一名军人,一次行动中,他不幸中枪死亡,而就在他的遗体入土没多久,巴特竟然复活了。有些搞不清楚状况的巴特找到了生前的好友乔伊(克里斯·维尔德 Chris Wylde 饰),经过两人的反复研究和论证,他们得出了结论——巴特变成了丧尸,并且要依靠吸血为生。  就这样,每到白天,巴特变回尸体,等到夜晚降临,他就生龙活虎起来。巴特对于鲜血的嗜求让乔伊十分困扰,经过商讨,一个绝妙的注意应运而生——既然必须吸食人血,那何不顺便消灭那些在洛杉矶像老鼠一样存在的肮脏和繁多的恶棍呢?说干就干,由丧尸和人类组成的惩奸除恶小分队诞生了。
男主(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)在好友香农(布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston 饰)的车行里打工,凭借着自己高超的驾驶技术干上了电影飞车特技工作。一天,男主在逛超市时,邂逅了邻居艾琳(凯瑞·穆丽根 Carey Mulligan 饰)。男主得知艾琳的丈夫在监狱中,她如今一人带着孩子生活。男主默默地用自己的方式照顾着艾琳。不久后,艾琳的丈夫斯坦德出狱,男主只好将自己的感情隐藏起来,却发现艾琳的丈夫仍和当地犯罪团伙有联系。得知斯坦德是受犯罪团伙要挟且艾琳母子也有危险时,男主决定帮助斯坦德抢劫典当行。但行动中出了意外,斯坦德惨死,男主也被追杀,为了活命同时保护艾琳的安全,男主与犯罪团伙展开了较量。
故事发生在六十年代的美国,勒维恩(奥斯卡·伊萨克 Oscar Isaac 饰)是一位名不见经传的民谣歌手,生活困顿的他无家可归亦没有固定的工作,每晚得靠朋友们的救济才得以寻得安身之处。可是,尽管陷入了窘境,但固执的勒维恩却不愿意了顺应大众的喜好而做出无奈的改变,也正因为此,他和交往多年的好友简(凯瑞·穆丽根 Carey Mulligan 饰)和吉姆(贾斯汀·丁伯莱克 Justin Timberlake 饰)之间的关系也跌落到了冰点,更让勒维恩感到烦心的是,简的腹中竟然怀上了自己的孩子。  之后,勒维恩前往芝加哥企图找到一份工作,却在面试之后惨遭拒绝,之后,一无所获的他回到了格林尼治村,继续回到曾经兼职的小酒馆打工。熟悉的场景,熟悉的音乐,熟悉的氛围,勒维恩经历了许多,却又好像什么都没有发生过。
Based on the Edgar Award-winning, nine-book “Karl Alberg” series by the late Canadian author L.R. Wright, Murder in a Small Town follows Karl Alberg (Sutherland), who moves to a quiet coastal town to soothe a psyche that has been battered by big-city police work. But this gentle paradise has more than its share of secrets, and Karl will need to call upon all the skills that made him a world-class detective in solving the murders that, even in this seemingly idyllic setting, continue to wash up on his shore. Kreuk stars as Cassandra, a local librarian who becomes Alberg’s muse, foil and romantic interest.