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Maca (María Valverde), 30 years old and clumsy by nature, makes the most of life and strives to be happy. Maca's talent is wasted working as an assistant for an oppressive and terrifying fashion influencer and she spends her time with guys with whom she never manages to establish an emotional bond. Together with Jimena (Elísabet Casanovas) and Adriana (Susana Abaitúa), her two unique and lovable friends who are always ready to do whatever it takes to make their problems not seem so bad, Maca has managed to make Madrid a city where everything is possible. Everything seems to be going well until he-who-must-not-be-named comes back into her life. Leo (Alex González), the love and biggest mistake of her life, the man who tore her heart apart, obliterated her self-esteem and her faith in men, comes back into her life to turn everything upside down. Maca has tried to forget him, but now she has to accept that he has returned and face the emotions she has locked away to deal with the unforgettable memory of what could have been and never was. Old wounds are reopened and Maca will have to be brave and confront her conflicts, fears and insecurities in order to finally take control of her life.
这部电影以 1978 年为背景,标志着 Monzón 和 Jorge Guerricaechevarría 的第四次合作,讲述了 17 岁的纳乔·卡尼亚斯 (Nacho Cañas) 的充满动感、刺激的故事。不合适。当他遇到来自该市唐人街的年轻罪犯埃尔·扎科和特雷时,他陷入了三角恋,这导致他陷入了无情的盗窃、盗窃和抢劫之中,这将永远改变他的生活。影片讲述了纳乔经历初恋并成年的那个夏天,不断跨越两个世界的界限,超越是非、正义与非正义的界限。电影中,17岁的纳乔是一个安静的年轻人,只想无忧无虑地过生活。但他害羞的天性吸引了一群恶霸的注意,他们每天都让他的生活变成一场活生生的噩梦。为了摆脱不断的殴打,纳乔前往当地的游乐场玩一些游戏。在玩弹球机时,他与泰雷和扎科成为了朋友,这两个街头陌生人对他表现出了兴趣。交谈后,两人邀请纳乔与他们的朋友见面。尽管纳乔对特雷和扎科知之甚少,但他同意与更大的群体会面,并且很快就受到了欢迎。  性格内向的赫罗纳学生纳乔遇到了来自该市唐人街的两名罪犯,并卷入了夏季的入室盗窃和抢劫事件,这将改变他的生活。
A young nurse begins her shift at an old city hospital. After a strange apparition one of the oldest nurse tells her that a patient, Mr. Moore, entered the hospital a few years ago. His body was completely burned after a fire. Mr. Moore was operated urgently by the doctors. But no one wanted to assist him. The pain and drugs had driven him mad - One night one of the nurses went to his room but his bed was empty. Nothing was heard from him anymore. A bell interrupts the story. The call comes from Mr. Moore's room.